Monday, 10 December 2012

Festival team 'porridge sale' to tackle homelessness

THE team behind the annual Festival of Spirituality and Peace in Edinburgh are organising a 'Street Porridge Sale' on 12 December 2012 in support of Streetwork, a hands-on group struggling against homelessness, its causes and consequences.

They will be handing out bowls of porridge to passers-by on the terrace outside St John’s Church, at the corner of Princes Street and Lothian Road, between 8am and 1pm on Wednesday. Donations for Streetwork will be very welcome.

As well as enjoying some hearty porridge on a cold day, this will be chance for people to learn more about Streetwork’s projects and to contribute to their work. Winter is the time when homeless people are most at need and risk.

Streetwork, whose activities are supported by the Scottish Government and the City of Edinburgh Council, among others, works 24 hours, seven days a week with people in housing crisis or who are sleeping rough. It is able to advise, support and refer people for assistance, with the aim of enabling them to find a life off the streets.

“Events like the Street Porridge Sale are so important for raising awareness and support for the vital work that Streetwork does in Edinburgh,” said Jackie Brown, the charity’s Fundraising Manager.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to join the Festival of Spirituality and Peace at St John’s Church on 12th December, to chat to people, and to tell them more about how we help the most vulnerable people on the streets of the city,” Ms Brown added.

The Festival of Spirituality and Peace, founded in 2001, is one of Edinburgh's most exciting and diverse Festivals. It features over 400 activities across 21 venues each year in August. It involves top-quality speakers, conversations, performances, film, food, exhibitions, family activities, workshops, art, culture and more.

The Festival’s sponsors and team are also looking to extend their work beyond the traditional Edinburgh festival season, and are delighted to be able to support a truly worthwhile cause like Streetwork through the Street Porridge Sale on Wednesday 12 December.

For more information about this event, contact Annika Wolf, St John’s Church, Edinburgh, EH2 4BJ. Email: Phone: 0131 2284249